Agency Edition – Give your clients what they want and save time doing it!
When we were building QuickSEOreports we talked to a lot of SEO professionals and discovered that like us, they found analytics invaluable, but reporting and effectively communicating with clients very time consuming and a significant commitment of precious resources. Not that they did not want to do it, just that they found it took hours to build a good report and then even more time to explain it to the client. Invariably there is a period each month where reports need to be created and sent out and this causes all other work to stop while the team dig away with Google Analytics, Excel and Word to try and format an attractive and understandable report that helps their client understand what is going on.
A tool that made clear concise reports and provided an easy to use client reporting interface would be dynamite and a real god send! is that tool!
We built the Agency Version specifically for SEO agencies, Marketing Firms, Design houses, Web Development shops and other groups that need to provide Privately Branded SEO and KW reporting to their clients in a professional, timely and cost effective manner.
With the Agency Edition you get all the power tools available to the Enterprise Edition plus the following unique features.
White Label Branding: Customize the logo, color scheme and domain to complete that proprietary look and feel. Make your Agency’s reporting look more professional and reflective of your brand.
Client Dashboard: You can give access to there very own SEO Dash Board with KW tools and competition reporting tools..
Full editable reports: Add comments, observation, recommendations right in the report where the customer will see it. Significantly enhance the effectiveness of your communications with clients.
E-mail templates: Not only can you automate reporting, but you can automate the generation of e-mails to send out reports to customers. Create different templates for different types of client, different packages, or even special e-mails for special clients.
Automatic Report Generation and E-mailing: The tool can be set to automatically generate and send reports at predefined intervals.
PDF or Permalink reporting: Reports can be sent as stand alone PDF files or Permalinks that provide access to full dynamic online reports.
Multilevel User Access: You can set permissions that allow different users and different individuals at a clients to access reports and the back end with different levels of control and interactivity. Client A gets access to the Full Dash Board, Client B only to the Dash Board KW tools and Client C only to the reports you send out.
Team Controls: You can assign different team members to have different levels of responsibility and access on different client accounts. That way, if someone is away on vacation a different team member also assigned to that client will be able to access their reports and make comments recommendations, change settings etc.
Report Utilization Feedback: See if your clients have opened their report and when it was last looked at.